About this site:
The Elysian Visions Blog Spot
Ranting and raving, wisdom and whimsy,
from the mind of a Madman,

...with links.

Poor grammar.
Adult themes.
Strange opinions.
Obscure references.
Foul language.
Utter madness.

Okay, that's it, you've been warned.



March 29, 2005

Google in KLINGON

Now I'm a huge Star Trek fan.
We all know that, but even I think this is crazy.

Oh well, stop by and yInej your favorite topic!

Actually a few thoughts here on the the appeal of learning to speak Klingon versus more conventional languages. I've spoken to a lot of people about this over the years and I think that the one thing that sets learning Klingon apart from learning French, or Russian, for instance, is that you can learn Klingon and then expand on it. If you study other languages you're only being invited to learn the language. With Klingon you are invited to learn it and help expand, develop and refine the language. That makes it unique.


Holland Gedney

March 28, 2005

Inside Report Special Easter Edition

It's all about Star Wars Fan Films.
Featuring yet another interview with Shane.
With our very own Holland on their Splash Screen!
(I love all of this; it's like watching a slow motion film of an avalanche.)

One interesting thing is that, while people certainly are standing up and taking notice, their reactions are still largely based on the trailer which is over a year old. Believe me when I tell you, if you're basing your expectations on the trailer, you will be very pleasantly surprised.

March 25, 2005

"Revelations" on the air!

Radio interview with "Revelations" Director: Shane Felux, from Mike Woulfe
610 WIOD
radio in South Florida.

Click HERE to listen.



March 19, 2005
(From the Revelations site:)

"Revelations" Fanzine
Now open to all...

well, with us getting so close to the release and premiere of "Revelations" we thought we would open up the Official "Revelations" Fanzine to give you even more insight to the production and film. The fanzine was a feature our sponsors got to enjoy in getting the inside scoop with interviews, articles, and the current progress of the film as we were making it. Now we are making it available for you to read and enjoy as well. So dive back through the months and see what all happened and what went into making "Revelations"!

Seers once shaped the path of the
Jedi Order. But their visions grew
unreliable and the Jedi came to
distrust those with the ability.
Seers hid their visions or left the
Order forever.

In the wake of the Temple's
destruction a power struggle has
emerged between Darth
Vader, the Dark Lord of the Sith,
and Zhanna, The Emperor's Hand.
Each seeks to eliminate the last of
the Jedi and gain the Emperor's

Caught between them is one woman
who cannot deny the truth of her
visions as all race to possess an
ancient Jedi secret.

March 16, 2005


The "Revelations" site is back up. At least for the moment. Meanwhile the hits keep on coming, so to speak, as my bandwidth usage climbs steadily.





March 16, 2005


As of today this is no longer the first page people are coming to or the most popular. People are going directly to the Frank and Gina Revelations Page.

I posted some new comments over there to try and address some of the more flagrant misconceptions about the movie.

What can I say about all this? Well first of all Gina and I would like to express our gratitude to the more positive fans out there. Thanks for your support. To the more negative among you it's spelled HERNANDEZ. Please spell it right and keep right on ranting.
Also we'd like to say again how proud we are to have anything to do with this project. Shane, Jack, Dawn, Sarah, Nick J., Chris S., Matt, everyone . . . thank you.

Also here is a quick list of some other sites that have the preview:
http://www.aaronmitti.com/web_trailer_II_larger.mov http://www.aaronmacdonald.net/mirrorpage/web_trailer_II_larger.mov

A mirror of some of the actual site here: http://www.panicstruckpro.com.nyud.net:8090/revelations/revelations_media.html

A text only copy with working external links of the Premiere site right here:

March 15, 2005


Okay, so by now you probably know that the entire www.panicstruckpro.com website is down.
Mirror site available here.
We're hearing reports of over 140,000,000 hits and so on. They're looking to have it up either in a few hours or a few days. Once it is up they will be looking for several people worldwide, who are so inclined, and would like to help us out, to mirror it.
Contact Shane, via that site, once it is up again, if you are willing and able to help us out.
His address is panic panicstruckpro com
(you know how to fill in the blanks.)

Meanwhile, let's have some fun.

(Rummages through old archives. Sounds of tables being over turned, cabinets being slammed, Vault doors swinging open on rusty hinges.)

Ah, here we go. Now children, before I give you this, let me tell you a few things up front. This version of what I am about to bestow is an older version. Much of what you can see in this version will be in the movie; but the sound will be better, since we went back to the studio to do voice over work. Much of the CG you can see here is also in the movie, but it will be more polished. The acting will be in context and the entire thing will have the new original score and the finished special effects sound track under it, so it will be much cooler that this.
Now all of that having been said, (disclaimers and warning all given,) and just for spite's sake, as a reward for even finding this site here (quietly) is an older version of the trailer.


Oh, and one final note to some of the more mean spirited armchair critics out there; please when posting your well thought out, absolutely fair and impartial critiques, please do remember to point us to the vast array of superior products you have produced, so that we may all benefit from your example.
Thank you.

Green is such a a lovely color don't you think?

Shane as Cade.

March 15, 2004

"Revelations" in the News!
Good morning world!

Ha! We're on Slashdot!
How cool is that?

Here we are on Mercury news.

And here I am on Knight Ridder news!
(With a picture of yours truly, and quotes, and all.
Of course they do refer to me as "Mr. Fernandez" at one point but I'm willing to let that pass.
They got my name right the rest of the time.)

Keep an eye out for other affiliates and news organizations picking these stories up or go to Google right now, select Google news, and search on "revelations" "star" "wars" and sort by date.
Almost the entire first four pages are all us.

Now I'm not usually the kind of guy to say 'I told you so' . . .
wait, yes I am . . .

Special thanks and shout out to Tish Wells.

So, it has begun . . .

March 14, 2005

Revelations: "Stay On Target!"

Where does the time go? Thirty three days until the premiere of "Revelations" and Gina and I could not be more excited. We're very busy picking out clothes, having them tailored, going to the gym, working out, losing weight, having to go back and have our clothes tailored again, and so on. The premiere (which is sold out solid) and the party (which isn't) just give every indication of being a grand time and we mean to indulge ourselves in it completely. This may never happen for us again, and even if we are very lucky and it does, this will always be, will always have been . . . the first time.
We've been very lucky thus far to have worked with such fine and talented people as Shane, Jack, Sarah and all the others who are so numerous I will not even try to name them here. Prior to this project we knew so many of these people only as acquaintances, or in passing, or in some cases, not at all; and now they are all good friends. Still others we have yet to meet, as they have worked on this project from afar, and we will only meet them for the first time at the premiere.
As we have labored on this our circle of friends has expanded we have been enriched, both by the entire experience (the good and the not so good) and by all those new friendships. We are very grateful for all of it. We worked very hard on this project and we're proud of the work we've done and really looking forward to celebrating that work with everyone. We mean, as I say, to throw ourselves into this completely. It is our intention to go overboard, to a ridiculous extent, with this premiere. If this seems shameless or overly self centered to others, so be it! (As many who know me will no doubt attest, in my case at least, it only seems that way because I actually am so incredibly shameless and self centered.)
Let those who would scoff from the sidelines do so, as they enjoy the spectacle and laugh down their sleeves' at us, and let it be known that we just don't care. Many may mock us I expect, but we are happy and will proudly stand by both our work and the overall project itself.
As for the rest, the Devil take tomorrow, we have had today!

March 10, 2005

The new Captain in town

Captain Erika Hernandez of the Columbia
(I kid you not. Obviously a descendant, you can clearly see the familial resemblance.)

I'm surprised more people didn't email me about this one.
On the other hand, I take it as a clear sign that no one but me is watching Enterprise anymore.

March 7, 2005


Ignore the 'Nay' sayers. No 'Nay' sayers they. BAH! I deride their 'Nay' saying ability!
Check out this link to the Trailer for The Hitchhiker's Guide to the Galaxy.
I don't care what anyone says, I'm looking forward to this.

March 2, 2005

Optimus Prime Dies . . . of Prostate Cancer?

Does . . . Does Hawk know about this?

March 2, 2005

Simply humbling

An international team of astronomers have spotted the most distant object ever detected, a cluster of galaxies 9 billion light years away.

Full story over at Science Blog.

So to put this in perspective; we climb into our imaginary space ship/time machine and travel back 9 Billion years - and what do we find?

We find fully developed galaxies. We find planets, moons, stars, galactic structures, all sitting there, just like today, only 9 billion years in the past. Astounding!

Take a moment sometime and look up into the clear night sky, and as you peer back through the light-years, try to consider not merely everything that is, but all the baryonic matter that has ever existed in the form of galaxies, stars, planets and so on. The mind simply swims at the sheer size, grandeur and baroque detail of the universe.
It is literally beyond comprehension, but don't let that stop you from trying.
Take a few minutes and really let yourself dwell on it.
It's good for you.

March 2, 2005

Our new theme will be:
Star Wars:
A New Hope

This will be followed in April by 'Star Wars: Revelations'. It's a countdown to the premiere of the new independent, fan film staring Gina.

Check out more details at:
Panic Struck Productions

This Month's Theme:

Star Wars
A New Hope
Too much info
about me.
An independent, fan film; Starring Gina.
Commercial Links


The Onion, America's Finest News Source
Musical Fun

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For positive feedback:
Send an e-mail via the link below.

For negative feedback:
Just don't bother. I won't read it. I don't want to hear it. I don't care. Whatever!

Anything else:
Click here to send me an e-mail.

Farpoint Convention   February 11, 12 & 13, 2005
Revelations Premiere   April 16th, 2005
Shore Leave Convention   July 8, 9, & 10, 2005
NY Renaissance Festival   August 6 through September 25, 2005
MD Renaissance Festival   August through October, 2005
Lakewood, NJ Renaissance Fair   September, 2005
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