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The Elysian Visions Blog Spot
(More wisdom and / or madness in no particular order.)

Ranting and raving, wisdom and whimsy, from the mind of a madman, ...with links.

Okay, that's it, you've been warned.


September 2003

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October 31, 2003

Happy Halloween!!!

Ah, one of my favorite pseudo holidays!
(It's not a real holiday unless I get the day off, dammit.)
Halloween, November Eve, Feast of the Dead, Feast of Apples, Samhain, All Hallows Eve! I don't buy into any of it, but a chance to get together with friends and family and dress up in costume, is a chance to dress up in costume and get together with friends and family.
This year, with recent arrival of our grandson Matthew, and after the trails and tribulations of the past few very hectic months, we're resigned to taking it easy. We're staying home, passing out candy, and watching some old horror movies. A few folks might stop by to wallow in the evil of pumpkin pie, cider, and candy, but there's no big party planned and that is a relief of sorts. Also unlike many, for some strange reason, I never seem to have any problems with wise guy teenagers and such, maybe it's the sword, maybe it's just my face, but when they come to my door, all the kids queue up quickly and quietly, and it's one piece of candy each, unless I say otherwise, thank you very much!

October 29, 2003

Columbia's Crew Enshrined

Excite has an article about it here:

October 29, 2003

Giant Headlines about Solar Storms
Slam into Earth!

Eyewitnesses Report; Earth still here! Earth survives!

There's no shortage this morning of overly sensationalistic nonsense about the sunspots, solar flares, and possible problems with energy and information systems, in orbit and down here on Earth. Don't get me wrong I'm interested in these kinds of events. I'm watching, reading the news, and looking at the images, I think it's fascinating. I just don't like the way the media tries to turn it into something it's not to boost readership and frighten people.
One story says "Giant solar flare slams into Earth", uh huh, right. Newsflash folks if a giant solar flare actually slammed into the earth, you wouldn't need to be reading about it. As mentioned in my October 27th entry this is nothing to panic about. The magnetic polarity, or component, of the storm matches the hemisphere it's hitting, so we're fine. Should get a cool light show up north but that's about it. Some of you might be wondering how I knew all this in advance, well kids, what can I say, you've got to know this stuff when you're a Starship Captain.

Links here:

October 28, 2003

Enterprise wind tunnel testing
at the University of Queensland.

No, I'm not kidding!
I got this from Slashdot.

The Laser Diagnostics group within the Physics Department at the University of Queensland tested a scale model of the Enterprise A in an wind tunnel. Not surprisingly, it did very well. My question is not why did they do this. My question isn't who allowed them to do this. My question is, of course, what about Galaxy Class vessels? I approve of serious research like this but we need a more thorough job. What about high speed maneuvers? What about minimum aspect combat scenarios? What about the other incarnations like the NX-01? What about the Excelsior Class, or the Reliant Class vessels? I have a thousand questions and ideas for further testing! This is a fine start but we need so much more!

Check it out here:

October 28, 2003

More Pirating (with Gandalf) this past Sunday:

This past Sunday, Gina and I went out to Allaire State Park for a bit of pre-Halloween fun with some good friends. Brian (pictured here) made most of his Gandalf costume with some help from his wife and his mother-in-law. Gina made the hat, and I helped a little with the staff, which Brian made from a sapling, from his own yard.
I added an eye patch and hook to my pirate wear and got called "Captain Hook" all day.
Click the image to see it larger.

October 28, 2003


It was a near perfect landing for the Soyuz capsule, carrying three astronauts; one American, one Spanish, and one Russian.
Hmmmm, sounds like the beginning of a joke, doesn't it?
An American, a Russian, and a Spaniard, touchdown on the Kazakh steppe.
The Russian says something profound, the Spaniard says something romantic,
and then the American says . . . something inane.
HA, HA, HA, HA, HA, ah, oh my, heh, I kill me.
. . .
But seriously folks; they're home, they're safe,
and one of them even got married up there.
Good show all around.

Here's a link: http://www.reuters.co.uk/newsArticle.jhtml?type=scienceNews&storyID=3705124&ion=news

October 27, 2003

Meanwhile in space:

The Sun continues to freak out and spew coronal mass ejections into space. The interesting thing about all of this is not the danger this time around. Since the solar emissions, while very strong, seem to have the same magnetic polarity as the Earth they should be easily repelled. No, the interesting thing about all of this is the fact that we can see what is happening so clearly because of projects like SOHO.

Here's a couple of links.


Read, Learn, Know, Repeat.

October 27, 2003

Ramadan, Baghdad, 2003!

At times like this I just feel disgusted with humanity as a whole. Also I'm confused, how, exactly, does driving an ambulance packed with explosives into a concrete barrier, right outside the Red Cross building get categorized as a success by anyone? I confess I'm a bit lost on that score. I'm not even going to put a link here, fuck it, whatever, bastards!

October 24, 2003

GOD sends a message to Mel!
"Don't make me come down there," GOD says!

Upset by the general tone and blatant inaccuracies of Mel Gibson's "The Passion", God, in typical holy fashion, struck leading man Jim Caviezel and an assistant director, Jan Michelini, with lightning. Neither man was seriously hurt, but the message was very clear.

CNN has the full story here: http://edition.cnn.com/2003/SHOWBIZ/Movies/10/24/gibson.passion/

Sorry, I couldn't resist.

October 23, 2003

Solar cars and a lack of future shock!

The ESA site has a good article on the Nuna II Solar Car that has won the World Solar Challenge in Australia. Very tricked out stuff! Hats off to the Dutch team. A splendid blending of new technologies that really shows what we can do with what we already know.
I'm often struck, when reading articles like this one, by idea that we should be doing so much more of this. Gathering all the newest, latest and greatest technology we currently have at our disposal and putting it all together. What is this thickheaded reluctance to embrace new technologies and innovations simply because they're new? It always seems to me like we could, and should, be doing so much more with what we have than we are. Not only that, but doing it cheaper, and cleaner, than we currently are.
It seems so obvious that if we could fix the patent process, protect intellectual property rights, without stifling innovation or rewarding patent squatters, do it on a global basis, and do it by lunchtime tomorrow, we'd have it made. If we could do that, why, I could be wearing a silver space suit, sipping a cherry flavored, life extending, breath freshening breakfast smoothie, watching the latest tech news on my backseat, plasma screen with satellite driven MMoIP (Mass Media over IP) uplink, while being flown to work by my personal android servant 'Romax-7' in my BMW Stratossari 5000, by next Thursday . . .at the latest.

Ummmm . . .future-licious!

October 21, 2003

Random Notes on Star Trek: Enterprise
and Stargate SG1

Now as anyone who stops here even once in a while will know, I am a huge Star Trek Fan. I am the guy all the jokes are about. My private rule about all things Star Trek is that there is not to be anything in the lore that I don't know all about. From the animated series, to the novels, through Voyager and up into the current season of Enterprise. (Enterprise? Star Trek: Enterprise? Someone at Paramount really needs to make up his or her mind.) You want to discuss the various virtues and foibles of the original series episodes in painful detail, you want to debate the plausibility of the various technical manuals section by section, you want to know the Klingon word for revenge, or what subspace frequency the original Romulan / Federation treaty was negotiated on? I AM THE MAN!
It's a vice, I know. All this time and mental energy spent on such nonsense, but as vices go it's a fairly harmless one. No one gets hurt, it won't cause memory loss, lung cancer, or liver damage. To the best of my knowledge there's never been a Next Generation riot. Fans do not, as a rule, go around picking fights with fans of Star Wars or Babylon Five, or turn over and set fire to cars after a bad episode airs, or anything like that. It's all in good wholesome fun, and I am not overly defensive, so leave me alone about it already.
. . .
Where was I?
Enterprise, right! The show has many good points. One is the newfound plausibility the designers have brought to it. Most of the ship, and a good deal of the technology on the show, looks like stuff we could do right now. I like that, I like the way it feels, I also like the actors, and some of the story lines have been pretty good, (Although they should have been sued for that "Enemy Mine" rip off episode.) but something has been missing. Something about the show simply falls short, misses the mark, and otherwise leaves one let down. It's not that flakey theme song, (The new reworked version sounds like Christian rock to me, horrible! While I'm on the topic; what the hell is up with that? I want my French horns back goddamn it!) It's not the penchant the show has of putting the actors in as little clothing as possible, or the gratuitous shots of female characters bending over, or the needlessly long de-con room scenes where they spend all their time greasing each other up, I can get past all of that. This is something deeper; something that until recently, I just couldn't quite put my finger on. It's something in the writing.
The reason I was able to figure it out is the recent release of Stargate SG1 on DVD. One of my buddies has lent them to me, telling me that they were worth watching, so I started right at the beginning and have moved on from there. I didn't watch them when they were first on because I didn't have access to the original channel that produced them, Showtime, I think. Thus the gods of Cable TV and Science Fiction conspired to frustrate and mock me. Anyway, here I am watching SG1 right from the beginning on DVD. The first season is a little rocky, but it is a well-written show and it only gets better. This is even more surprising as the movie the entire series is based on was so very, very, lame. By the time I finished the second season I was hooked. I now plan to buy the DVD's myself, eventually. I'll watch a bit more and then maybe I'll write a more complete review on that series too, but let me not digress here. Star Trek is where we started and by dilithium crystals and corbomite, that's where we're going to stay.
The interesting thing is that the one element that is missing from the ST: Enterprise isn't missing from SG1; and that is really solid character dialog. Watching them back to back, SG1 and the new season of Enterprise, really makes it obvious. A lot of the dialog on Enterprise is simply filler material. It is what is needed to convey to the audience what is going on, nothing more. Now with respect to the cast, they seem to be doing their best with what they are given, but the dialog itself is just flat. There is not enough thought being given by the writers to who is speaking, and how they would relate the information. The show needs more personality. We need to see different characters expressing the same ideas with clever character related analogies, and turns of phrase, based on who they are, and where they come from. Also while I respect the long story arc they've just started, it seems a little too close to current events to be really enjoyable. So in conclusion, let's hope to see some more sophisticated writing on Enterprise in the future, and in the meantime, there's always SG1.

October 20, 2003

Holy Halle Batman!

I just found this picture of Halle Berry as Catwoman while I was looking around on Space.com of all places. Now I can't remember what the hell I was looking for originally.
Check it out here: http://www.space.com/entertainment/spotlight.html
or just click the image.
Anyway China's mission was a success, . . . Soyuz mission to ISS also went well, and uh . . . progress in space exploration is good. Yes, very good, gotta have more exploration, . . . that's what I always say.
. . .
Now if only those freaking movies didn't suck so bad.

October 15th, 2003

MORE violence in the Gaza strip
. . . against Americans!

Ugh! Anyone blowing themselves up around other people really pisses me off. I know that this time it was a road side bomb and not a suicide bomber, but still, so what? I mean how is this going to help anything, really? I just don't get it. Going around planting bombs or blowing yourself up at all, let alone for religious reasons, seems completely ludicrous to me. The idea that some cosmic creator and ruler of the universe will reward such an action in some tenuous next plane of existence also seems ludicrous. I mean I'm not really what anyone would call a religious person (deliberate understatement here, you may smirk) but I've looked at a number of different religions and I'm pretty fucking sure it doesn't work like that. However let's not split hairs over the details here. Even if your religion of choice says (or implies) that in this specific case, or given these specific circumstances, walking into a crowd and blowing yourself up is okay, then it is just plain wrong, and should be ignored, along with anyone promoting such ideas.
I mean wake-the-fuck-up!
Of course, one could argue that basing your morality strictly on a mistranslated, two thousand year old body of text, that other people pass along as the literal word of GOD, shows questionable judgment to begin with, but whatever. You want to restrict your diet, sing old songs, donate a portion of your income, go to some specific building at fixed intervals, and all that; then that's your business. I'm in no position to tell anyone else how to live. However when you get to the point of objecting to the others guy's very existence, when you find yourself celebrating the needless death of other people, when nothing short of killing everyone who disagrees with you will suffice, when you start thinking about killing yourself just for the privilege of taking a few of the less than righteous with you, then you're an asshole of the first order. (By the way no exceptions for people who blow up full abortion clinics, or go around shooting doctors either; you're all in the same boat.) You're not a martyr, you're not justified, you're a murderer and an idiot! A brainless drone that lacks any further ability for independent, rational thought or even the self-preservation instinct that nature bestows on the common dog.
With condolences and respect to all those directly affected by this most recent attack and their families; I also find it very annoying that everyone seems to feel the need to single out this attack because it was directed against Americans. As if American lives are somehow more valuable than Israeli or Palestinian lives. People are people folks. When any human being dies like this, anywhere, we are all diminished.

October 14th, 2003

Writers speak out about California's election.

I think John Shirley's bit about the "BRAIN EATERS FROM THE PLANET ANTARES" is my favorite. It all sounds so reasonable and normal, while ignoring the fact that the entire root concept is completely and horribly insane.
. . .
That's the way most things seem to me, most of the time.

Infinite Matrix has the story here:


October 13, 2003

Monkey Business

A monkey with a third Robotic arm controlled directly by it's brain.
CBC news has the story here:

Okay so they gave this monkey a third robotic arm that the monkey controls directly via implants in his brain. What I want to know is, what happens when they take the arm away? Does the monkey miss it? Does he suffer phantom pain? When other monkeys give him a hard time does he think, 'You're goddamn lucky I still don't have my robotic arm or I'd whip your primate ass!'? Seriously, one can easily see that this could lead to great breakthroughs for people who need prosthetic limbs, people who suffer from paralysis, and so on. What I wonder about is where it will end. If we can plug machines directly into our consciousness and control them remotely where, and how, do we draw the line? Is it simply a matter of how much it cost or will there be some kind of ethical control on this new technology? If so, who will wield that control? Once again it seems our technology is racing ahead while our wisdom lags too far behind.

October 10, 2003

China heads into space.

Space.com has a great article about the Chinese Shenzhou 5 mission.


It's always good to see some competition in the space race. As with any competition the more of us trying to get out there, the less complacent any of us can afford to be. (NASA, I'm looking in your direction.) Seriously, with profound respect for the losses NASA has suffered over the years, the important thing is not to give up. If the shuttle program has run its course, then we need to move on, and move on quickly. Perhaps it is time to spend more time, money, and effort, on unmanned, robotic missions for a while. These missions will not do the whole job for us, granted; but there is certainly much to be gained from them. Meanwhile we can design, test, and refine, the next generation of reusable manned spacecraft. It's just a thought, as I say the important thing is for humanity as a whole to keep trying to reach farther and farther into space.

I've often heard from others who have taken the rather negative view that we should not inflict the scourge that is humanity on other planets, and that we still have too much work to be done right here. I believe, however, that in the long run our collective attempt to expand our reach beyond the planet will yield its own rewards; not just scientifically, but socially and economically as well. I believe that, as we solve the problems of getting out into space, we will be compelled to resolve the petty differences that currently separate us. Indeed many of these problems may disappear completely or resolve themselves, once we're looking at them from a new vantage point, from a new permanent, international, lunar base for instance, or from the surface of Mars.

. . .

While I'm day dreaming here let me also dream a bit about what I'd like to see in this new fantasy vehicle. First, modular replaceable standard rockets, thrusters AND a really big modular ion drive engine. Auto-navigation systems, remote agent internal diagnostics technology (basically everything applicable that Deep Space 1 featured), emergency escape capsules (capable of independent re-entry), space station port, deep space airlock EVA and service port, a reasonable cargo bay, retractable (shielded) solar panel collector wings, and let's see, bucket seats with fine Corinthian leather. Ummmm . . . space-a-licious.

Where was I? Oh right, China.

Anyway as for the Shenzhou 5, best wishes for a safe and successful mission.

October 8, 2003

Governor Schwarzenegger!?

Okay Californians here is what I want you to do. Go out right now and rent (or buy) the DVD for 'Conan the Barbarian'. Put it in your DVD player and go to options, activate the director's commentary, and then hit play. Listen carefully; this is the guy you just elected to Govern your state!

Celebrity does not equal ability!

Well anyway, Good Luck!
(……you're gonna need it.)

October 7, 2003


Now I don't like to repeat what the other guys have already pointed out. I mean, I link to some of these sites right over there on the right hand side of the page. However this case is so outrageous, so egregious, I feel it deserves my full attention. This Modern World has a story up about some guy, "Anti-gay preacher Fred Phelps" who allegedly wants to erect a monument that says
"MATTHEW SHEPARD, Entered Hell October 12, 1998, in Defiance of God's Warning: 'Thou shalt not lie with mankind as with womankind; it is abomination.' Leviticus 18:22."

Here is the link:

. . .

So I gotta ask, you're kidding right?
Before I go off on this, and I'm going to, let me just say here; that I, myself, am not gay. I'm one of those YYX chromosome guys, with an overly aggressive nature, who happens to prefer the company of women. That being said, (full disclosure having been given, with apologies in advance to our homosexual or bisexual readers if I say anything insensitive) this really makes me sick. I'm not talking about Matthew Shepard; let's leave that alone out of respect and cut to the chase. Let's attack the whole premise here.

According to Leviticus it was an "abomination" to eat shellfish for crying out loud. Now speaking as a twenty first century man who enjoys all kinds of seafood, especially shellfish (to say nothing of shaving my face, and / or trimming my beard, activities also forbidden by our old buddy Leviticus) I just want to say; screw Leviticus! Screw him, the beast of burden he rode in on, and all the people who smugly use anything the bible says as an argument to justify their own petty, small minded, homophobic, world view. Leviticus was wrong and so is anyone who is really trying to do this.
There I said it.
If Leviticus said that it is morally wrong to be homosexual (a point that I find is in some dispute) then he was wrong and that's that. If he said it was an abomination to eat lobster then I, for one, want nothing more to do with this fellow. What's that you say? He's dead? Has been for centuries? Good, so much the better, please pass the melted butter, and shut up about it. I've no patience for dead people getting in the way of my lobster dinner, or going around giving people a hard time about what they do in their own beds for Pete's sake.

Let me pose a pragmatic sort of question here, what possible purpose would this stone monument to fear and ignorance really serve? I mean it isn't even built yet, and I'm already aggravated over it, so there's that, but what is it for really? It will make some people (people like me) very angry. Some people will no doubt be hurt by it. What good does it serve? How does it enlighten or ennoble us? Whom does it teach and what is the lesson?

Here is the bottom line on this folks. Whatever happens between, mature, sexually aware, consenting adults, is their own goddamn business. It's not a sin. It's not an abomination. A nuclear war, a biological holocaust, human clones without heads, these are abominations. Someone building a stone memorial to commemorate someone else's death and alleged condemnation to hell in a park, in his hometown, is probably an abomination!

But Sex? Nah, sex is just sex.

If Cliff and Mark (or Jenny and Lisa) want to get married, and adopt a couple of kids, and give them a home, then I say, let them. If Jane and Joe up the street want to invite Sue and Mike over for a weekend of wine, cheese, and wife swapping, what the hell do I care? If Bill down the street wants to have his girlfriend Nancy, dress like a nun, tie him to the bed, beat the hell out of him, and call it foreplay, then that's their business.

If they're happy, then I'm happy for them.

You can't legislate love, to say nothing of sex. The more you try to promote something as taboo, the more people in general, and teenagers in specific, will say "hmmmm . . taboo you say, sounds exciting," and go try it for themselves. If this really upsets you, feel free to blame yourself; after all, you were promoting it.

[As an aside, this is like the old 'gays in the military' issue; remember that?
NEWSFLASH: There are gay people in the military, always have been, always will be.
Hell, if you were a Spartan it was practically a requirement. Our answer to the issue, "Don't ask, Don't tell." A laughable policy that is the equivalent of "if we all agree not to talk about it, then presto, there's no problem. Quick! Look over there . . . a terrorist!" Ridiculous!]

Let me say this too though; if this abomination does come into being, it should be preserved. It should not be destroyed. It should be preserved like Nazi death camps should be preserved, and for exactly the same reason. So that future generations can go visit it someday, and look at it, and shake their heads in wonder that people in the past, but otherwise very much like them, could have ever been so very, very wrong!

October 4, 2003

It's not so bad . . .

Well it's October, my how time flies when you're sleep deprived.
Gina and I have been helping out with taking care of the new baby. Before he got here I was really worried about how it would be, but it's not as bad as one might imagine. We're getting to be buddies, little Matthew and I. For one thing, he's the one person in the house who will actually watch television with me without complaining. The only draw back seems to be the loss of sleeping, reading, and computer time for me. You see I can hold, feed, and even change, the baby while I watch TV, but not while I read a book, and you can just forget about working a computer keyboard. (I wonder if there have been any studies correlating the rising rates of newborn babies in the modern world, with any decline in literacy? Hmph. Nah, probably not.) We've been getting up early whenever we hear him crying, and taking over for mom for a couple of hours, whenever we can. Mostly his mother takes care of him upstairs in her room, so if we can hear the little guy voicing his dissatisfaction with the universe at large via his current favorite form of self expression. (I.E.: Screaming like a banshee who has just stepped in a bear trap.) We know mom's having a hard time, and has had to come downstairs. Gina and I also take care of him sometimes in the evenings, and in our spare time we've managed to move the laundry around, clean up around here a bit, and even, believe it or not, go to work everyday.
On the plus side he's cute little guy and really doesn't ask for very much. A little warm formula, a fresh diaper now and again, and some reasonable quite while he sleeps, and he's perfectly happy. Actually, to me, all babies look a bit like Winston Churchill. In fact sometimes, when no one else is around, I hold him up so he's looking at me, with his tiny hands gripping my fingers, I move him as if he's the one speaking, and in my best impersonation I say; "Let us therefore brace ourselves to our duties, and so bear ourselves that, if the British Empire and its Commonwealth last for a thousand years, men will still say, 'This was their finest hour.'"
It always makes him smile, . . . but let's keep this between us.
I'm not sure mom would approve.

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Comments: Someone has pointed out that there is no place for comments on this page, and even that perhaps, lacking a place for comments, this is perhaps not a real web log.


Now one does not want to be misunderstood, so let me be clear about this: I don't want your stupid ass comments! You want to comment, get your own goddamn page! This one is mine and I'll do whatever the hell I want with it. Who the hell are you anyway? The Blog police?
Over a hundred thousand sperm and this motherfucker was the fastest, Damn!

Okay, I'm sorry that was harsh and undeserved. Here, if anyone really wants to comment click here and send me an e-mail.

No. No kidding, go ahead.

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Started: 08/27/2003  

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